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If f(x) + x^2[f(x)]^3 = 10 and f(1) = 2. What is f'(1)

asked Aug 22, 2017 in Algebra by Hugo

1 Answer

(x) + x2[f(x)]3 = 10

f(1) = 2     (when x=1 , f(x)=2)

2 + 12(2)3 = 10

2 + 8 = 10

10 = 10

Evaluate the derivative of f(x) using the point (1, 2)

Let f(x) = y

y + x2y3 = 10

Derive both sides

y' + 2xy3 + 3x2y2y' = 0

y' + 3x2y2y' = -2xy3

y' (1 + 3x2y2) = -2xy3

f'(x) = (-2xy3) / (1 + 3x2y2)

So what is  f'(x) at x=1.

f'(1) = (-2(23)) / (1 + 3(22))

f'(1) = -16 / (1 + 12)

f'(1) = -16 / 13

answered Aug 22, 2017 by quickwriter (2,510 points)